There With Care's mission is to provide a wide range of meaningful and fundamental services to children and families during the critical phase of a medical crisis. There With Care serves families referred by medical agencies, by building a network of service and people who ease the burden of life's day-to-day obligations with compassion and care.
As providers of care to a high-risk population, There With Care closely follows national, state and local information on the pandemic. There With Care adopts pandemic-related policies, procedures and practices that support the health, safety and well-being of community members, volunteers, staff and families and children facing critical illness.
We invite you to participate and support families and children facing critical illness by volunteering to make care bags, coordinate a donations drive for essential items, and more. Your care and kindness help make it possible for families to focus less on the logistics of life and more on the health and well-being of their sick child and one another.