PGK (Project Giving Kids) is now Create the Change®!

Our Nonprofit partners

We work with nonprofit organizations across the country that offer opportunities for kids ages 5 - 14.
Our key communities are Greater Boston, Los Angeles, the San Francisco Bay Area, Central Florida, and Northern Virginia. 

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Animals have a special place in our hearts. Just like people and our planet, they need help, too.



Just like you go to checkups to stay healthy, our planet needs to be taken care of, too.



Everyone deserves equal rights and equitable opportunities.


Catherine Bialkowski , Chapter Recruitment Assistant
125 Maiden Ln
New York City, NY 10038


GlamourGals organizes and supports volunteer chapters in high school and college who provide companionship and our signature program of complimentary beauty makeovers to elderly residents in senior care.

Our impact is two fold:

1. Elderly residents in care feel a renewed sense of community and self-worth.

2. Teen Volunteers gain essential leadership skills demonstrating empathy and compassion through our intergenerational programming.

Currently, we are offering our signature makeover program, a complimentary beauty makeover and manicure to residents in senior care, depending on senior home restrictions. We are also offering virtual opportunities for chapters, including letter-writing through the #MyDearFriend campaign and meeting with seniors via video conferencing to play games, have Netflix parties, and more.

Our My Dear Friend Campaign is an opportunity for students to write heartfelt, uplifting letters to residents of senior homes. It is a great way to get involved with our foundation and spark joy in those who need it most.

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Service Opportunities

At GlamourGals, our mission is to put an end to elder isolation and bring light into the lives of senior citizens. Through our My Dear Friend campaign, volunteers write kind notes to ...
Start a GlamourGals chapter at your high school to bring a sense of community into the lives of residents living in senior homes across the ...

Educational Activities

Create the Change® partners with nonprofit organizations that we believe offer age-appropriate service opportunities for youth and families. All of our partners sign a collaboration agreement promising to provide age-appropriate activities in a safe environment. 


Create the Change® does not run, host, or facilitate the service opportunities seen here, nor are we responsible in any way for the management (financial or otherwise) of the organizations we feature.


Always be sure to do your own research on the nonprofit organization and service opportunities available to make sure it's a good fit for you before getting started. You may find the organization's contact information on their profiles. 


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